
Ballistic Helmets for SWAT

Wearing a ballistic helmet is only just becoming a common trend among police and other law enforcement agents. For some time, it was not a popular sight to see policemen using ballistic helmets. And while some law enforcement agencies in the past had limited use of ballistic helmets, an increasing number of police departments are becoming proactive with the use of quality ballistic helmets for protection.


Reports from the FBI reflects that more officers died from head wounds from 2008 to 2017 than any other cause. Definitely, a compulsory use of ballistic helmets would have gone a long way in reducing this number. How do we know? Well, remember the horrific Orlando nightclub shooting incident in June, 2016? A SWAT officer, Michael Napolitano, was one of the injured victims. He could have been a dead victim having taken a fatal bullet hit in the head. However, he was saved by his ballistic helmet.


Police officers are faced with gunpoint threats every single day and they need to be well protected. Some have expressed the thoughts of it being a form of militarization of the police force. It must be well noted that Special Forces like the SWAT are often exposed to both ballistic and non-ballistic head threats.


Ballistic helmets can be used to provide the SWAT police with an extra layer of on-site confidence boost; knowing that they have a lesser chance of dying from headshots. In addition, ballistic helmets and bump helmets can reduce the potential suffering of head injuries. Falling objects, ricocheted bullets, shrapnel, and other motioned objects can also cause major head injury. Also, for SWAT officers who work as crowd control during riots and protests, a good helmet can be the only thing standing between their skull and a brick or a rock.

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