Bulletproof Whiteboard – Why You Need Its Protection

Whenever there is a violent incident reported, the first thing you’ll hear on the news is a list of fatalities and the weapons used. However, you’ll seldom hear that the incident could have been prevented if only there were solid prevention measures in place. The fact is, it is possible to up the ante on security measures around schools, offices, and other vulnerable public places to ensure that a similar tragedy never happens again. For example, have you ever considered using bulletproof whiteboards? This blog post will explore why you need the protection of a bulletproof whiteboard.

1. They Save Lives: A bulletproof whiteboard is designed to provide the ultimate protection against shootings. They’re made from military-grade ballistic material, which makes them impervious to bullets. During an attack, instead of hiding under a desk, you can take cover behind the board and shield your body from the bullets. Having a bulletproof whiteboard in place could be the difference between life and death.

2. They’re Versatile: Bulletproof whiteboards can be used in multiple ways. They serve as regular whiteboards for writing memos and presentations, but they’re also an essential protective tool during emergencies. Also, they’re portable and lightweight and can be easily moved to any location, whenever and wherever a threat arises.

3. They’re Cost-Effective: The cost of a bulletproof whiteboard depends on the size and brand. However, their prices are relatively affordable compared to the cost of human lives. Investing in a bulletproof whiteboard in your workplace, school, or public facility contributes to the overall safety and security of everyone on the premises. When you consider the emotional and financial cost of a catastrophic shooting incident, the price of a bulletproof whiteboard is worth it.

4. They’re Easy to Install: A bulletproof whiteboard can be installed within minutes with only a few screws and brackets. You don’t require a special contractor or specialized installation tools. It can also replace any regular whiteboard already installed in your workplace or classroom. The board can be mounted at any height suitable for every user.

5. They Deter Gunmen: Having bulletproof whiteboards in place sends a strong message to gunmen that your organization is committed to safety and security. It shows that you have protective measures in place and can prepare in the worst-case scenario. Knowing that your facility has preventative measures in place might deter any potential threats.

A bulletproof whiteboard is a valuable addition to any facility that prioritizes safety and security. It’s a tool that can save lives in the event of a shooting incident. They’re affordable, versatile, easy to install, and durable. They offer a level of protection that isn’t possible with standard whiteboards or other security measures. It’s time for organizations to consider investing in bulletproof whiteboards to prevent any tragic incidents in the future. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your employees, customers, and students by installing a bulletproof whiteboard today.

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