Protecting Against Blunt Impact Injury with Ballistic Blankets

While the military is known for its high-tech equipment, ballistic blankets are an often overlooked solution to blunt impact injury. Often used in active shooter scenarios, ballistic blankets are a simple way to protect people from ricochet bullets and other forms of blunt force trauma. Let’s take a closer look at why they’re so important and how they work.

What Is Blunt Impact Injury?

Blunt impact injury is any type of trauma caused by a sharp or heavy object hitting the body. It can range from mild bruising and scrapes to broken bones and organ damage. In the military, it’s especially common in active shooter scenarios where bullets ricochet off walls and surfaces, causing further injury to innocent bystanders.

How Ballistic Blankets Work

Ballistic blankets are made of layered fabric that is designed to absorb the shock of bullets and other projectiles without allowing them to penetrate their layers. They provide an additional layer of protection against ricochet bullets that can travel through walls and doors, potentially injuring innocent bystanders who may be located behind those barriers. The blankets are also lightweight and portable, making them easy to carry into dangerous situations or quickly deploy in emergency situations.

Benefits of Ballistic Blankets

Ballistic blankets offer several distinct advantages over traditional body armor or bulletproof vests. First, they can be easily deployed in any environment—whether indoors or outdoors—and protect from all angles without having to move around the area or rearrange the furniture in order to ensure maximum coverage. They also don’t require a lot of training or instruction on how to use them correctly, meaning that even untrained personnel can quickly put them into use during an emergency situation. Finally, they’re more affordable than traditional armor solutions, making them accessible even for departments with limited budgets.

The benefits of ballistic blankets as a form of protection against blunt impact injury cannot be overstated—they provide an affordable solution that can be quickly deployed in any environment without requiring extensive training on how to use them properly. If you’re looking for a way to protect yourself or your personnel from ricochet bullets and other forms of blunt force trauma, then ballistic blankets are definitely worth considering as part of your overall defense strategy. With their portability and affordability, they’re sure to become an invaluable asset for anyone who needs reliable protection from blunt force trauma in a variety of environments.

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